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The legislative session starts on January 10th


Some offices of legislators who are typically leaders are located in the Capitol

Many legislator offices are on Floors 3-6 in the Coverdell Legislative Office Building (CLOB)

You can visit the legislator offices any time during Capitol hours



Most Committee meetings typically occur on floors 3-6 of the CLOB

Committee meetings typically occur from 1 to 5 pm with some 8am exceptions

Committee meeting times are dependent upon when the daily session ends

The Committee meeting calendar is here: Georgia General Assembly - Schedule (


Most committees hear bills that they post on an agenda attached to the meeting notice


You can receive Email notices of meetings by contacting the admin of each committee


When bills are considered, any member of the public can comment by signing up advance


You can speak for 2 minutes in House committees and 3 minutes in Senate committees 






I am [Name] and I thank the chair for the opportunity to speak on this matter. Before considering this bill, I urge all committees to address what many Georgians believe is our most important issue. That is to eliminate unverifiable, secret count elections in 2022: 

  • The U.S. District court found Georgia’s voting system is unverifiable to the voter and violates Georgia laws in October 2020. What do you plan to do about it?

  • Experienced poll managers provided sworn affidavits of counterfeit ballots in the November 2020 Fulton Co. audit. How many are there? How did they get there?

  • A ballot image analysis found 17,724 votes that have no ballot images at all in the Fulton election results. How did the voting system create those phantom votes?

  • Geo tracking data, drop box videos and an admission from a ballot harvester provide evidence of 200 harvesters stuffing ballots into drop boxes between 2-5am. Will you use your legal authority to investigate?

  • A statewide Open Records analysis showed that the state allowed Georgia counties to destroy 1.7 million original ballot images from the 2020 election in violation of federal and state law. Who is accountable?

These problems demand a multi-county audit and the Ethics committees of the General Assembly have the subpoena power needed to conduct audits under O.C.G.A. 28-1-16.

Georgia courts did not uphold Constitutional protections guaranteed to Georgia voters. SB202 did not make made ballots, envelopes and election server image copies available for forensic inspection.

So now you must act. Ballots are cast in secret but must be counted in public.

If you prefer to believe the Secretary of State that there is no problem, please remember the U.S. District Court found his office was “not credible” in 2019.

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